Testimonials 2023

Congratulations Mr Gardner
1st WS 8th Open 1806th International BICC Pau 580 miles 381 Birds Open 12,631 b International.
With an inbred g.son from Incredible bred from Louella Stock.

Congratulations John Hodgeson
10th Open, 6th Sec SNFC Brighton 1629b, 316 miles.
With a Louella Dirk van den Bulck Direct from Leontin Dreamer when she was paired to a son of Atomic Kittel.

Congratulations Mr Perry
2nd Central Section St Albans with a yearling Louella van den Bulck.

Congratulations Mr Mellett
More consistent flying with 1st Club with a half bred Louella Jacob Poorvliet
and 2nd Club with a Louellla Jacob Poortvliet

Congratulations John Hodgson
1st and 2nd Club
Both birds bred by Louella

1st Club. Louella Dirk van den Bulck
G.son to Atomic Kittel direct son of the legendary Kittel
2nd Club. Louella Gaby Vandenabeele
G.dtr to New Bliksem 1st National Tulle 5,731 b.
Good luck for the rest of the season.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Cooper and Son

1st South East Section, 6th Open Alencon BICC, 4,637 birds 201 miles
Won by a Jan Aarden both parents bred by Louella.
A grand child of De Barcelona 241. with European Bull and Maarten on the dams side.

Congratulations Mr Mellett
1st Club, 8th Section 533 birds, 16th Federation 2,274 birds 167 miles, Seaham Harbour. The winning pigeons dam is a Jacob Poortvliet bred by Louella.

Good luck for the rest of the season.

Great start to the OB season for the 37 cock.
Purchased in a kit of 10 last year.

Winning 21st Federation Strathkinnes 2013 birds 2023

This super consistent pigeon won in 2022
2nd, 3rd club

2nd Federation Brehin 810 birds
Beaten only by his nest mate.

5th federation Auchendinny 810 birds.

9th Federation Brechin 1367 birds

10th Federation Strathkinnes 1485 birds
The 37 Cock inbred to New Bliksem winner of 1st Tours 120b, 1st Bourges 228b, 1st Bourges Prov 3039 b 1st Tulle National 5,731b. Fastest bird of 11,707b.

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